Brazil. The National Department of Business Creators and Consultants (Dnpc) belonging to the Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (Abrava) signed a cooperation agreement with the Project Department of the Southern Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (Asbrav), with the aim of working on issues related to daily occupation.
For the vice president of Asbrav, Mário Alexandre Ferreira, the initiative will be of extreme importance for the industry. "We created an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and cultivate the habit of holding technical discussions in a healthy environment. We are a small number of professionals who work in an eminently technical activity, in which, due to the characteristics of the activity, many of us work individually or in small teams. The formation of a larger group, with the sum of the two groups, will generate maximum impact and the results will come more quickly and effectively."
Today, staff discuss various topics related to best practices to be implemented in the sector with regard to ethical issues, standard-setting, technical information, implementation of dissemination plans in the sector, institutional work with the media and potential clients, as well as any other aspect of interest, that directly or indirectly affect industry and business partners.
"This is a very important partnership for our group, because it means the union of efforts to improve our profession and the performance of the industry. The work will be based on the exchange of experiences so that the actions of the group are shared and that decisions are made more quickly. Which will bring benefits to both groups, said the president of the Dnpc, engineer Fábio Pires Takacs.