Venezuela. A joint work between the Ministry of Electric Energy and the Ministry of Tourism of Venezuela aims to advance processes aimed at optimizing the electricity resource in the lodging establishments of the hotel chain Venezolana de Turismo S.A. (Venetur).
The process includes the creation of an interdisciplinary commission in charge of analyzing the current regulations on the Law on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and its application in Venetur.
The idea is to identify opportunities for savings in electricity consumption without negatively impacting the quality of services and minimizing environmental pollution generated by the production of the same energy.
The aforementioned commission will evaluate the air conditioning systems, elevators, cooling and heating, air conditioning and lighting and will advise the employees of each of the firm's hotels in the culture of saving, to, finally, certify compliance with the standard by Venetur.
This norm, in its article 5, establishes that: "The organs and entities of the Public Power must collaborate with each other as a result of the objectives and purposes set forth in this Law".