Argentina. Between January and August 2011, one million air conditioning units were manufactured in Tierra de Fuego, Patagonia (Argentina), as announced by Débora Giorgi, Minister of Industry of that nation.
The official attributed this positive increase to the sanction of the law to promote the electronic industry on the island, which, according to Giorgi, "produced the takeoff of national production and thousands of jobs were created, since today 12,000 people are employed when in 2008 there were 2,000 workers, and investments reach US$400 million." An example of this is the multinational Carrier that is located in the province of Fueguina, which plans to expand its production plant for air conditioning equipment, a strategy that will cost about US $ 12 million. This will generate 65 new jobs and a production of 240,000 units per year. By announcement of the Ministry of Industry of the Nation, it was also known that two other firms in this segment plan to expand their plants, these are Newsan and Interclima, which will increase the production capacity to 360,000 air conditioning equipment, in each company.