Brazil. The Southern Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (Asbrav) confirmed during a recent meeting to the board of directors that it will accompany the dawn of the entity for the next two years.
President Luiz Afonso Dias was again elected to lead the processes of the association: "All those who have participated in this association have contributed to reach the current level. I am very fond of Asbrav and I could not be absent without managing the shares of the entity for a new period. I count on the leadership and the advice of former presidents to do a great job."
The payroll was defined as follows:
President: Luiz Afonso Dias
First Vice-President: Hani Lori Kleber
Second Vice President: John Henry Schmidt de los Santos
Third Vice-President: Mario Alexandre Ferreira Moller
Secretary: Claudete Weiss
Treasurer: Rodrigo Miranda da Silva