After an encouraging balance in 2010, the industry that serves the AC compressor segment is optimistic for what this year will be, but at the same time is aware of the great challenges that 2011 will bring.
By Santiago Jaramillo H.
Energy saving, materials that benefit and conserve the environment, implementation of new technologies, and new refrigerants are factors of utmost importance for the teams to be implemented in AC / R systems, that is why companies that are dedicated to the manufacture, repair and sale of compressors are increasingly aware of these needs and strive every day to achieve these objectives, that have no other purpose than to contribute to the development of the segment.
That's why we invited three renowned industry professionals to talk more broadly about this topic. They are, the engineer Gerardo Martínez, current director of Bitzer Mexico; Fernando Becerra Ariza, sales manager of Danfoss (Colombia) S.A.; and Germán G. Flórez, Vice President, International Division, National Compressor Exchange, Inc.
Precisely on this subject, the director of Bitzer Mexico affirms that in terms of innovation and development two themes stand out especially: Greater efficiency and use of greener refrigerants.
"Natural refrigerants such as ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2) and other flammable gases such as propane (R290), propylene (R1270), etc. are now being used. All these improve efficiency and decrease global warming (GWP) and do not affect the ozone layer (ODP=0)," he says.
In the same sense, the statements of Fernando Becerra Arisa point out, who explains that the main challenge is to develop high energy efficiency technologies with quality. "This is what the developments of several compressor manufacturers point to. These new technologies are associated with the search for ecological refrigerants: CO2 and HC", he points out.
For his part, the vice president of the International Division of National Compressor Exchange, Inc., is not so optimistic that although there are obvious efforts, there is still more to be done in that arduous path of efficiency and environmental care.
"I fear that despite extensive research and discoveries by subject matter experts in Europe, the U.S. and Latin American sectors, compliance with the new rules for the benefit of the environment and energy savings still leaves much to be desired. The innovation in new refrigerants, the acceptance of the climate change of the era, and the saddlement of a new effective and forceful position in the face of these changes in an area that in my point of view still has, unfortunately, a long way to go, "he ponders.
Moving on to the topic of the main characteristics that a compressor must have to be considered successful, the sales manager of Danfoss (Colombia) S.A. and the director of Bitzer Mexico agree in highlighting key factors such as efficiency (high COP), reliability, availability, price, and technical support.
For his part, the representative of National Compressor Exchange, Inc. complements as essential characteristics to be taken into account in an effective compressor for AC / R systems "the type of maintenance required, energy saving capacity and remanufacturing quality. These three points if not taken into account can demand 25-30% of the cost of ownership, in addition to generating imperceptible failures that would alter the electricity consumption, labor and cost of material. In addition to these three, we cannot avoid the importance of such compressors being governed by the requirements established for the conservation of the environment."
Our guests also express as very important some challenges presented by the segment, for example Gerardo Martínez ponders the constant training and education of engineers and technicians who use, repair and maintain compressors.
Meanwhile, Germán Flórez, from his specific knowledge, puts in the spotlight as the main challenges "the development, manufacture and remanufacturing of compressors that meet the requirements set forth above and that the industry demands. As well as energy savings, the use of materials that deliver benefit and conservation to the environment, also the implementation of new technologies and new refrigerants are factors of utmost importance for the equipment to be implemented in AC / R systems".
In the specific case of energy savings and sustainability for these systems and, of course, the elements or fundamental variables to achieve these objectives, Germań Flórez points out that "in terms of compressors, the good maintenance of systems, an adequate installation, a control of records before and after the compressor is turned on, the use or complement of accessories that protect the compressor and the system against failures or imbalances of electricity or flow, would help in preventing a rise in energy consumption."
On the other hand, he explains that "the proper functioning of a compressor is from our point of view, one of the most important factors to prevent high energy consumption in each work or installation".
Engineer Becerra supports this objective in three essential points: "COP of the compressor, in the case of refrigerant under GWP and under ODP".
Meanwhile, engineer Gerardo Martínez points out that "in each application the most efficient components (cost benefit) have to be used. In a refrigeration or air conditioning system, the right type of compressor and refrigerant can make all the difference. You have to compare the performance of the compressor at full load, at partial load and choose the condenser, evaporator, expansion valve and control so that the system as a whole is competitive in price and energy efficient."
Leaving aside the above, without a doubt the previous one was a year that left pleasant satisfactions to the compressor segment, since it was possible, after a few modest periods, such as 2008 and 2009, to find the balance and, in most cases, to throw positive balances at the end of 2010.
In the case of our market in Colombia, as Fernando Becerra recognizes, the demand for scroll compressors by air conditioning manufacturers is over 30,000 compressors per year, which makes it the highest volume segment in this industry.
Likewise, the representative of Bitzer Mexico explains it, emphasizing that for his company the residential air conditioning sector gave the great impulse to the sector in terms of commercial recovery, especially with regard to the opening of new businesses and consolidation of those previously agreed.
To conclude, Germán Flórez assured that National Compressor Exchange Inc. presented a significant increase in the remanufacturing and supply of compressors situation that meant "an increase of 12% for 2010, the highest degree of quality and service in each of the compressor lines handled by our remanufacturing plant in the state of New York".
Situation that from the beginning gives an air of tranquility for what will be this 2011, although, as our guests recognize, it is not a reason to faint in the imperious path posed by an industry as competitive as that of compressors for air conditioning systems.