Participants in the Tecno-Edificios and Tecno-Multimedia congresses will have the opportunity to visit some of the most modern facilities in Colombia and the Andean Region. The quota for guided visits is strictly limited to the first enrolled and only those linked to the academic program can participate. Private bus transportation will depart from the Plaza Mayor Convention Center. Expect to receive more details soon.
Sound Engineering Laboratories, San Buenaventura University: guided tour of the two underground recording rooms in which it will be explained how each space was conceived and how it was possible to adapt them to what they are now. Fitness will be reviewed; lighting and the use of air conditioning systems; the technologies implemented; the equipment used as consoles, near and far field monitors, preamplifiers, expanders and compressors, among others.
Signage and digital information in Bancolombia: In the Bancolombia building, in some strategic points of its 143,000 square meters, information screens and digital signage were installed. At fixed points, such as receptions, there are information screens that contain important data for internal and external audiences; likewise, in the spaces where the collaborators make their active breaks, there are the information systems with the events of the Bancolombia Group.
Energy efficiency in the Bancolombia Building: Some of these are floor air conditioning, which saves up to 50% of energy by the more efficient handling of cold inlet air and the return of hot air; In addition, all officials have natural light and a view to the outside, contributing to the rationalization of artificial light between 25% and 50%.
Santa Fe Shopping Center: The property has the latest technology in automation and control, fire detection with integrated automatic audio evacuation and factory UL certificate, access control and security, fully integrated CCTV, automatic parking system, as well as integration by Modbus with electromechanical equipment and lighting management. Participants in TecnoMultimedia will be able to participate in a guided tour, on November 3 with the integrating firm EBC Ingeniería.