The eighth version of REFRIAMÉRICAS will have a massive presence of international speakers this year, including representatives from Brazil, Peru, Spain and France.
Rodnei Peres Junior will be present in Brazil this year, who is an application engineer and business administrator with 15 years of experience in the HVAC market and has been working for ten years at Full Gauge Controls, where he is currently the manager of the Foreign Trade department.
Meanwhile, the representation of Peru will be headed by engineer William Morales Quispe, general manager of Termodinámica Reter ERL, and Ernesto Sanguinetti Remusgo, manager of the Engineering division of Cold Import S.A.
Spain, on the other hand, will be represented by Tino Saqués, general director of Frisaqués S.L., who will be in charge of the talk called How to obtain and increase efficiency in the design of industrial refrigeration solutions?
Likewise, Guillaume Klein, application engineer of the companies FLEXELEC - PROJECTCOL S.A.S., will be the representative of France. Klein is a mechanical engineer from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (France) and the Latin American Institute of Paris (IHEAL – Sorbonne Nouvelle). He is also a specialist in Thermal.
They, together with the outstanding group of professionals of Colombian origin, will be in charge of developing the academic component 2011 of REFRIAMÉRICAS, which this year will be held at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia, on June 16 and 17 of this year.