The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Miguel Sebastián, will open on Tuesday the meeting of the Working Group on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency of the G20, which will take place on October 4 and 5 in Seville.
The Working Group was born last March to fulfill the mandate of the G20 leaders in Seoul on the need to promote at the global level the implementation and development of technologies in clean energy and energy efficiency. The group, led by Spain, Italy and South Korea, is meeting in Seville to exchange views and experiences ahead of the upcoming G20 leaders' summit in Cannes in November.
The Minister of Industry attends this meeting with the conviction that it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation through multilateral agreements that are essential for the energy sector, according to a note from the Ministry. The Seville meeting, in which the G20 countries will share the best political practices in clean energy and energy efficiency, will serve to exchange views with the leading companies in these technologies.
Sebastián will convey to the attendees Spain's commitment to renewable energies, which have placed Spain among the most developed countries in wind, solar photovoltaic, and solar thermoelectric energy, as well as with energy efficiency and new clean energy techniques such as carbon capture and storage, which is being carried out in projects such as Ciuden, in Ponferrada.
Spain, together with Italy and South Korea, leads an Energy Working Group at the G20 forum: Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group (C3E WG). This working group is made up of energy experts from the governments of each of the G20 countries.
The Seville meeting will have a first part, which will take place on October 4, in which experts from the G20 governments and intergovernmental institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), OPEC or the World Bank will participate. The aim of these sessions is to work on the progress report on clean energy development and efficiency within the G20 and to discuss best practices in policies for the promotion of clean energy. Both topics will be discussed at the G20 leaders' summit in Cannes in November.
The meeting will be completed with a business symposium, which will take place on Wednesday, October 5, in which the main companies from the renewable and energy efficiency sectors of the G20 will join the experts to exchange views on current and technological challenges and perspectives for the sector.
After the opening of the first session of the G20 Energy Working Group, the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade will attend the inauguration of the Gemasolar solar thermal power plant, with 19.9 MW of installed capacity in Fuentes de Andalucía, Seville.
The plant, owned by Torresol Energy – a joint venture between engineering and technology group SENER and Masdar, Abu Dhabi's future leader energy company – is the first commercial-scale plant in the world to apply central tower receiver technology and molten salt thermal storage. The relevance of this plant lies in its technological uniqueness, since it opens the way to a new technology of solar thermal electricity generation. (EUROPA PRESS)
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