The acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Aragon, Arturo Aliaga, has indicated that the 220 kilovolt line Jalón-Los Vientos in Muel is "doubly important, because it ensures a quality supply and stars in a European research project to better manage the networks and their capacity".
Arturo Aliaga inaugurated this Thursday, together with the Director of Transport of Red Eléctrica de España, Carlos Collantes, the aforementioned axis, an infrastructure that will allow, in the south of Zaragoza, the integration of renewable energies, as well as the Los Vientos electrical substation.
"It is clear that if we close the Zaragoza ring, connecting the Aguilón substation, which is one of the most important in Spain, with that of Fuendetodos, the supply and future demands of electricity would be guaranteed," the counselor explained in statements to the media.
Jalón-Los Vientos will complete, with the future Fuendetodos-María line, the project to close the 220 kilovolt southern semi-ring of Zaragoza, whose objective is to reinforce the meshing of the transmission network to allow wind development in the Ebro valley and improve the electricity supply of the province.
Aliaga has assured that this substation will be "key" for the "future evacuation" of energy. "With this we have power and quality of supply because by meshing the networks you get quality of supply."
For his part, the General Director of Transmission of Red Eléctrica de España, Carlos Collantes, stressed that the infrastructure will allow, in the south of Zaragoza, "the integration of renewable energies". "It means the closure of the semi-ring that will improve the quality of supply, a very important step in the development of alternative energies for which society is betting," he said.
Likewise, the mayor of Muel, Luis Gil, has indicated that "this line will allow the generation capacity and the transmission of electricity in the Autonomous Community to be significantly increased and with a guarantee of quality in the service, something fundamental for the countries that look forward".
The construction of the Jalón-Los Vientos double circuit line, 30.4 kilometres long, and the extension of the substations in Plasencia de Jalón and Muel, respectively, began in March 2010 and involved an investment of 19.7 million euros.
The Fuendetodos-María axis has been declared of special interest by the Government of Aragon and has also been chosen by the European project 'Twenties' for the development and implementation of new technologies that allow greater flexibility in the transmission network with the aim of maximizing the integration of wind generation.
This project constitutes a prototype of innovation in the management of the network, since it will identify the maximum permissible transport capacity in real time by constantly measuring the temperature of one of the drivers.
The temperature of the cables of a transport line determines its evacuation capacity and depends very directly on the speed of the wind that cools that line, so those destined for the integration of wind energy will be more cooled and, therefore, will have greater transport capacity the more wind and more wind generation there is.
The new technology applied to this transport line to determine the temperature value consists of using a special conductor called Optical Phase Conductor (OPPC).
That is, it is a conventional conductor to which one of its aluminum filaments is replaced by a steel tube in which optical fibers are integrated that allow the measurement of the cable temperature instantaneously and continuously.
From the Maria substation and through a DTS device (distributed temperature sensor) a laser will be launched through the optical fiber that will allow to monitor the temperature with great precision.
The innovative nature of this project is that the temperature of one of the conductors can be constantly monitored along the entire line, unlike other tests carried out previously in which measurements could only be made at specific points, which required estimates that made the measurement very unreliable.
The Fuendetodos-María line consists of a double circuit of 220 kV and 29.9 km in length. It has a total budget of 20.3 million euros, of which 1.25 million will be financed by the European Commission for the development of the new thermographic measurement technology, and will begin construction next July.
The European Union presented the 'Twenties' project in May 2010 as a pioneering initiative that brings together 26 companies and institutions of world reference in the electricity sector, with the aim of advancing in the development and implementation of new technologies that facilitate the massive integration of wind generation into the European electricity system.
In addition, "it aims to contribute definitively to achieving the European Union's goal for 2020 in energy matters: a 20 percent reduction in CO2 emissions, a 20 percent improvement in energy efficiency, and that 20 percent of the energy consumed is of renewable origin," Collantes explained.
Red Eléctrica de España is the company that coordinates this initiative that is 50 percent funded by the European Union and presented within the VII Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration of the European Commission.
The purpose of the 'Twenties' project during the three years of the study is to work on six demonstrations to eliminate the barriers that hinder the incorporation of more wind energy into the electricity system, and to present on a real scale the benefits of the new technologies developed, considered necessary for the transmission network of the European electricity system in 2020.
On the other hand, on the Peñalba-Monzón-Isona high voltage line, a project that is in a period of public exhibition for a month since last May 19, the counselor Arturo Aliaga has supported the implementation of other power lines to cover "the needs of several areas such as Monzón, Fraga and La Litera" that demand "both electrical power and evacuation capacity". Therefore, he added that there are other high voltage lines "within the national planning", as is the case of Peñalba-Monzón-Isona.
"My obligation is to guarantee the electricity supply in the future, and in that area it is being studied. That line is necessary, I am guided by technical criteria, some municipalities are opposed, but it will already be negotiated, "he said.
"In all the infrastructures that Red Eléctrica has made in Aragon, consensus has always been sought, the appropriate routes and talking to the inhabitants. But the infrastructures must be done, as an autonomous government we have a responsibility and we must pursue that the necessary infrastructures are made, "he said. (EUROPA PRESS)
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