The Association of Promoters and Producers of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (Aprean) has advanced this Wednesday that the Community has reached 4,246 megawatts (mW) from renewable energies in 2010, with 420 mW new, which represents an increase of eleven percent compared to 2009.
According to data from the annual report of the Andalusian Observatory of Renewable Energies presented by Aprean, of the total installed capacity, 2,980 megawatts correspond to wind energy, which represents 70.2 percent of the total. In addition, grid-connected photovoltaics reach 718.9 megawatts (17 percent of the total) while solar thermal stands at 331 megawatts (7.8 percent of the total) and electric biomass registers 216 megawatts (5.1 percent of the total).
"Andalusia is the Spanish community with the highest installed renewable power in both solar thermal technology and biomass," insists Aprean, who recalls that it occupies the second national position in photovoltaic energy behind Castilla-La Mancha and is the fourth community in wind energy, behind Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Galicia. In global terms, Andalusia is in third place in Spain in installed renewable megawatts, after Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha.
The president of Aprean Renovables, Mariano Barroso, has valued the situation of "slow growth that makes it necessary that at the national level the new regulatory and remuneration framework for wind and thermoelectric is already determined, with the horizon set in 2013 and 2014, respectively, if we want to comply with the environmental and energy commitments set for 2020".
Likewise, Barroso stressed the importance of "continuing to advance in the development of renewable energies as a way to maintain the autonomy and energy independence of third countries and sources, such as oil, which, in addition to being polluting, affect their fluctuations in such a negative and generalized way in the national economy".
As for wind energy, Andalusia recorded in 2010 a 4.91 percent increase in installed capacity, with 2,980 megawatts, of which 139.41 are new, which represents "the lowest growth rate accounted for by the entry into force of the pre-allocation registry in 2009 and the consequent stoppage experienced in this technology".
The Andalusian wind power is sufficient to supply electricity to about 1.8 million homes and avoids the emission of 2.3 million tons of CO2. Andalusia currently has 130 wind farms installed, which means a global investment in wind installations of around 3,500 million.
Likewise, Andalusia has 718.9 megawatts of installed photovoltaic solar power, occupying the second place, nationally and since 2008, after the community of Castilla-La Mancha. In 2010, the Community added 58.9 new photovoltaic megawatts, with a growth of 8.92 percent over the previous year.
In this way, "the objective established in the Energy Sustainability Plan 2007-2013 (Pasener) in terms of photovoltaic power has been exceeded since it set the installation of 400 mW for the year 2013", he adds.
The renewable technology that has quantified a greater growth of installed power in Andalusia has been the solar thermoelectric, which has gone from 131 megawatts in 2009 to 331 megawatts in 2010, which means an increase of 152.67 percent.
In 2010, three plants of 50 megawatts each ('Solnova 1', 'Solnova' 2 and 'Solnova 4)) and another plant of 50 megawatts in Córdoba (Thermoelectric Plant of Palma del Río II) have come into operation in Seville.
The Andalusian solar thermoelectric installations that Andalusia currently has are located in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Seville), with 'PS10' (eleven megawatts), 'PS20' (20 mW), 'Solnova 1' (50 mW), 'Solnova 2' (50 mW) and 'Solnova 4' (50 mW. In Aldeire (Granada) are located 'Andasol 1' and 'Andasol 2', with 50 megawatts each; and Palma del Río (Córdoba), with 'Palma del Río II' (50 mW).
Compared to the existing power in operation at the national level, Andalusia represents 53 percent of the total. Currently, the Andalusian community registers the construction of eleven new solar thermal plants with a total power of 517 megawatts.
Once the new plants are incorporated, Andalusia will have 848 megawatts of thermoelectric solar power, capable of supplying a population of more than 1.2 million people and avoiding the emission of about 680,000 tons of CO2 per year.
According to Aprean, Andalusia leads the electricity biomass sector nationally with a total of 216 megawatts; 24.7 megawatts more than last year, which means a growth of 12.9 percent.
"The intensive use of biomass, which uses greenhouse remains, pomace, pomace and wood as fuel, has led to the emergence of companies specialized in the manufacture of so-called pellets (small densified biomass)," he explains.
In this field, Andalusia has experienced an "important advance" by having six operational pellet manufacturing plants and four other projects in Córdoba, Granada and Jaén. (EUROPA PRESS)
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