A group of North American states are in Navarre studying business opportunities and trade promotion in the Autonomous Community and have specifically expressed their interest in renewable energies and agriculture.
This visit takes place within the framework of meetings promoted throughout Spain by the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), which seeks initiatives of mutual interest on both sides of the ocean.
Thus, the Group of American States in Europe, which represents 18 North American states, participates this Tuesday in a working session at the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Navarra, where business opportunities in the Autonomous Community and in the United States are exchanged.
Paul Palkauskas, representative in Spain of the Group of American States with offices in Europe, explained to the media before the start of the meeting that Navarra has "many interests" and has cited the development of renewable energies or agriculture.
Thus, he explained that on Monday they visited the National Center for Renewable Energies, which he said is "fascinating and impressive". "There are many fields of cooperation between US SMEs and SMEs in Spain in the renewables sector," he said.
In addition, he highlighted the "strength of Navarre in frozen products that export throughout Europe" and explained that in this sector there could be "companies that may have an interest in cooperating with the United States".
Asked if this collaboration could translate into more exports from Navarre or the entry of the US into Navarre in this sector, he indicated that "more the latter, because the export of frozen products is complicated". "Asparagus and artichoke may have a niche in the United States, but the truth is that they would be potential investments from one place to another," he said.
For his part, the president of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Navarre, José Antonio Sarría, explained that "these American States have indicated their preferences in agriculture, in renewable energies, in a series of industrial activities in which they are interested in establishing contacts either to go from there to here, or from here to there".
Sarría has valued that "instead of talking about the United States, we are talking about specific states, Massachusetts, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, and that is more interesting because the contacts are much more fluid and more accurate." (EUROPA PRESS)
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