The companies Thunder España, CIC Consulting Informático or E.on will develop a simulation system for the management and distribution of wind energy through the electricity grid.
To this end, these companies have signed a collaboration agreement, according to information collected by Europa Press.
The project, baptized as 'Paul' aims to develop an advanced tool for the management and simulation of the electricity distribution network in environments in which the contribution of renewable energies, and in particular that from wind farms, is very significant.
'Paul' has a planned duration of two years and is partially financed by the "Aid Program to Promote Industrial R & D + i in Renewable Energies 2010" of the Sodercan Group of the Government of Cantabria.
Thunder España Simulación is a Single-Person Limited Company created at the beginning of 2009 by Mario Garcés, who has more than ten years of experience as a software engineer in the area of simulation, initially in Spain and then in the United States.
Its objective is to provide the R&D services required by a type of industry that, despite its continuous expansion, is sometimes limited both in resources and in access to highly specialized personnel.
The birth of the company was driven by the first prize of the "V Contest for the Creation of Innovative Technology-Based Companies" organized by the Sodercan Group (Society for regional development of Cantabria) in 2008. In addition, it has carried out the simulation of the so-called QSPDS (Qualified Safety Parameters Display Sistem), the safety system of the Waterford 3 nuclear power plant, which is located in Louisiana (United States).
And its model with the THOR code developed with the collaboration of Thunder Spain Simulation of the secondary systems of the Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant (Washington, USA) has successfully passed the factory tests.
CIC Consulting Informático was established in 1990 by a group of graduates from the University of Cantabria, with the vocation of providing computer services and advice to companies in Cantabria.
Its headquarters are located in the Science and Technology Park of Cantabria (PCTCAN), in a building with a constructed area of 2,482 square meters distributed over four floors. The facilities are complemented by 3,505 square meters dedicated to parking, gardens and accesses.
The company has been collaborating continuously with the regional government since 1997 in various technological application projects, such as the VEREDA program for the improvement of the Regional Administration of Justice, the EMCAN portal for the orientation and prospection of employment, or the Integrated System of Agricultural and Livestock Aid (SIA), among others.
He is also responsible for the process of modernization of the computer system and administrative processing of the Santander City Council.
E.ON Spain is part of one of the largest private equity energy groups in the world, with annual sales of approximately 82,000 million euros and 88,200 employees.
With a team of 1,300 professionals, E.ON Spain operates in the liberalized generation and marketing markets and in the regulated electricity distribution market.
It has a generating park of 4,600 MW of conventional and renewable energy throughout the Iberian Peninsula and distributes and markets electricity to more than 670,000 customers through an infrastructure of 33,000 kilometers of grid. (EUROPA PRESS)
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