The President of the Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has admitted that nuclear centers cannot be closed as long as they are necessary for energy supply, but has insisted that the future must be "a future of alternative and renewable energies".
"I have maintained the same position before and after Fukushima," he said in an interview with Yotube--. We have to keep nuclear energy as long as we need it but to the extent that we can go with alternative energies, we have to leave nuclear energy aside."
The head of the Executive recalled that he has taken the decision to close in 2013 the nuclear power plant of Santa María de Garoña, in Burgos, because "it already fulfills its forty years of useful life", a period in which the plant, in his opinion, has already basically fulfilled its function and usefulness.
In any case, he has insisted that renewable energies must be encouraged, encouraged and supported, which "in Spain have an important leadership, such as wind and solar". "Today, they still have an important economic cost, we have to graduate economic cost with technological investment so that they become cheaper," he said.
On the other hand, Zapatero has emphasized that climate change is "without a doubt" the "great challenge" of the next generation. Thus, he has pointed out that his biggest problem will be the management of global public resources in a world that has passed in just one century from 1,000 to 7,000 million people.
"The effects of climate change are an unquestionable reality that affect raw materials, economic balance and energy," he added. He said a "key challenge" would be how to take a different approach to development and growth. (EUROPA PRESS)
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