Elecnor has signed a financing of 475 million euros to build two solar thermal plants in Ciudad Real, totaling 100 megawatts (MW) of power, according to the company.
In this way, the company already has financing to address the three solar thermal projects that it is currently developing in Spain together with the Eiser infrastructure fund and the Aries engineering company, which will enter into service in 2012.
Elecnor already obtained a loan of 225 million euros in March 2010 with seven financial institutions to pay for the third of these plants, also of 50 MW and which is being built in Badajoz.
BBVA has acted as agent and structuring entity of the financing achieved now associated with the other two projects, in which Caja Madrid, Banco Popular, Santander, Banesto, 'La Caixa', Bankinter, Credit Agricole and the ICO also participate.
The solar thermal plants are part of Elecnor's 2011-2013 Strategic Plan to develop projects in this period for a total investment of 2,800 million euros, of which 700 million are directly attributable to the company.
In addition, by financing these plants, Elecnor takes another step in its national and international projection in the field of renewable energies, where it already has an outstanding presence in wind (with more than 1,000 MW promoted), solar thermal and solar photovoltaic. (EUROPA PRESS)
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