The Association of Conscious Consumption of Camargo (ACOCON) has organized for this Tuesday a talk on 'Future renewables' by the expert Pablo Ruiz, graduate in Environmental Sciences and member of the Conservation and Biodiversity Association, which will take place at half past six in the afternoon in the multipurpose room of the La Vidriera Cultural Center.
The speaker will present a model of "El Huerto de los Locos", a sustainable farm located in Suances that has renewable energies, orchard, terraces, greenhouse, etc., and where it receives visits from schools, associations and individuals who want to know how the use of clean energy can be applied in everyday life.
It will also explain some tricks that can be used to save energy in daily life such as different ways of using solar energy for electricity or heating by building a small homemade wind turbine or converting vegetable oil into fuel for the use of a private vehicle. (EUROPA PRESS)
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