Last week my mother was driving, when suddenly a bird crashed into the windshield of the car, a strong blow, at first my mother did not know what hit the windshield, so she stopped to see what had happened, she found a bird on the ground and very hurt, but alive, within a few minutes, the bird recovered and was able to fly. The problem is that while the bird was on the ground, what could be done about it to help it?
Well, I discovered that thousands of birds on our planet die because they collided with a glass, it is a very common phenomenon, especially in the spring. If we see that this happens, the first thing we must do is observe the bird for a few minutes, usually the birds if they do not die from the blow, recover quickly, especially when it is a frontal blow. In what is remembered we have to quickly ward off possible predators, such as dogs, cats, etc.
If the bird does not get up on its own, spending about 5 minutes, we must lift it upright to help its breathing, you can place the bird in a shoebox or cardboard covered with a soft surface such as paper, napkins, etc., (always in an upright position) place the box in a warm place, dark and that has good ventilation so that you can recover quietly, always remember to have it safe from any predator.
It is important to know that while the bird is stunned, do not feed it or try to give it water, after one or two hours, take the box outside, open it little by little and if it is recovered when it sees the light, it will take flight. If when opening the box the bird does not fly, it is time to take it to a veterinarian.
What can we do so that birds do not collide with a glass or window?
What you can do is make your windows safer by pasting a dark silhouette (like the image below) in the shape of a bird, so the other birds can see that there is something there and they will fly in another direction. You can also decorate or color them with the help of your children.
Authors: Santiago