The Casa de Cultura Conde San Diego de Cabezón de la Sal will host this Friday, March 25, a Seminar on Innovation and Environment organized by the Government of Cantabria and in which it will be discussed, among other issues, on renewable energies in the marine environment.
This conference will be given by the professor of hydraulic engineering Iñigo Losada Rodríguez, from the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of Cantabria, and will take place around midday, according to the program of the seminar, collected by Europa Press.
The day will begin at 9.15 a.m. with the delivery of documentation and the inauguration, in which the Ministers of Economy and Environment, Ángel Agudo and Francisco Martín, respectively; the president of the Rural Development Association of Saja-Nansa, Secundino Caso; and the mayor of Cabezón de la Sal, Isabel Fernández.
From 10.15 a.m. the RIEGA Project will be presented, which contemplates a Wireless Network of Links for water management and saving. This presentation will be given by the Rural Development Association Saja-Nansa and Aguas Do Porto.
After the break, there will be a conference by Losada Rodríguez on marine renewable energies and then a presentation on the automatic hydrological information system and decision support system of the Ebro Basin. This will be given by Adolfo Álvarez, industrial technician of the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation.
Subsequently, the new technologies for the prevention and management of forest fires will be addressed, which will be reported by the industrial engineer Daniel Alvear, from the GIDAI Group of the University of Cantabria.
The Cantabrian vice-president, Dolores Gorostiaga, will close this seminar from 2.15 p.m.
Those interested in participating should contact the Saja-Nansa Rural Development Association by calling 942 70 93 60 0 942 70 93 72. (EUROPA PRESS)
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