The General Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance has awarded the company Gamma Solutions, S.L. the concession of the public domain of different roofs of public buildings to install photovoltaic solar panels.
This initiative is part of the policy of the Government of La Rioja to promote efficiency and energy saving through the use of renewable energies in order to meet the objectives of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
The evaluation criteria have taken into account the interest and public utility of the use as a whole. The bid of the winning company improves the 5 per cent fee established in the specifications, the gross income obtained from the commercial exploitation of the plates; the proposal also allows the normal development of public services by maximizing the performance of photovoltaic installations; and includes the installation of information panels that will reflect the CO2 emissions avoided and the number of homes that would be supplied with the energy they produce, which promotes the promotion of the use of clean energy from the dissemination of environmental benefits.
The plaques will be placed on the roofs of the following buildings: Instituto Duques de Nájera; Instituto Comercio, on the teaching building and on the sports center; Fronton Adarraga; Haro Health Center; General Archive of Albelda; and a warehouse located in the Polígono de El Sequero.
According to initial estimates, these photovoltaic panels will produce at least an annual energy of 700,000 kw / h, which represents the electricity consumption of 220 Rioja families and will avoid the emission into the atmosphere of 350 Tm of CO2 per year. (EUROPA PRESS)
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