It's called The Power Hogy is like a saving but eco-friendly piglet, the main goal is to teach children the value of energy so they don't waste it. This eco-gadget that helps save energy was presented at the Green Design Competition in New York last year by a group of US designers. obtaining the second place in the contest.
This made of 100% recycled plastic, the interesting thing about this saving piglet, is that the pig's tail is connected to the electric current and in the part of the nose you can connect any electrical device. However, the current is not supplied automatically, but if a coin is inserted into the slot. Each coin lets in about 30 minutes of energy.
Children can learn so that the energy they use for their computer or their favorite video game has a value and price, realizing the importance of saving and consumption, In addition, with the limited power that is obtained with each coin entered it is also possible for parents to supervise how children spend a lot of time in front of the TV or PC. This eco-gadget is designed for children, but it is also very useful for adults in controlling consumption.
Authors: Santiago