The Governing Council of the University of the Basque Country has approved three new degrees in Fundamentals of Architecture, Physiotherapy and Renewable Energy Engineering, with which, pending its processing before the competent bodies waiting, the Basque public university would offer 69 degrees in 2011-2012.
As explained by the UPV/EHU, the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture, approved at the Council meeting on Thursday and which will replace the current Degree in Architecture, consists of 300 credits and is continued in a master's degree of 60 credits, which is the one granted by the professional qualification.
Also pending verification by the Council of Universities are the Degree in Physiotherapy and the Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, agreed in previous sessions of the Council. The Degree in Physiotherapy, "a highly demanded degree that until now was not present in the academic offer" of the UPV/EHU, will train for the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist, will consist of 240 credits and will be taught at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
For its part, the Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, which will also be composed of 240 credits and will be taught at the University School of Industrial Technical Engineering of Eibar, will train specialists in an economic sector "in full expansion". Based on the data provided by the university, it is expected that by 2020 the share of renewables in Spain will be 22.7 percent of final energy and 42.3 percent of electricity generation.
The Governing Council has also approved the guidelines regarding final degree projects that all students must prepare and defend in order to obtain their degree. The approved regulations establish a common framework for the realization, defense, qualification and administrative processing of these works, but each faculty or school may adapt it to the characteristics of each of the undergraduate degrees it teaches.
Likewise, it has given the go-ahead to the 2011 Teacher Improvement Plan, which aims to improve the preparation of university staff for the fulfillment of their teaching purpose. The UPV/EHU will dedicate 170,000 euros throughout the year in the modalities of aid for the realization of doctoral theses, aid for continuous training and professional retraining, and aid for periods of sabbatical leave.
On the other hand, the new regulations of the General Electoral Regime and the Election of rector have been presented to the Governing Council. These regulations specify what has been developed in the new Statutes of the UPV/EHU, in force since 25 February. (EUROPA PRESS)
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