The companies of the Gipuzkoan region of Deba Barrena Alfa, Egile Corporation, Epc Group Europe, Jaz Zubiaurre, Maser, Tekniker-IK4 and Debegesa have created a new company in the renewable energy sector, Deba Energy.
In a statement, the promoters of this initiative have indicated that it has been brewing for two years, when a group of entrepreneurs from Deba Barrena had the idea of creating a 'Living Lab' in the region that "takes advantage of the technological capabilities and industry of the area to generate new business initiatives in the renewable energy sector".
As they have pointed out, the new company aims to cover all aspects of the energy saving sector, which they have predicted "an important growth".
To convert the projects into companies, a formula has been sought that consists of the new companies that are created contributing a minimum of 15 percent of their share capital to Deba Energy. The rest will be distributed among the associated companies and third parties. For the manufacture of products, the sets based on the industrial technologies of each partner will be subcontracted.
The technology centers will collaborate in the development of projects, and in addition, it will be promoted that each company immerses itself in the technological centers seeking the transfer of knowledge and the conversion of it into a product. This collaboration will be channeled through agreements, and for this, contacts have already been initiated with IK4 and Ciemat.
In addition, the Eibar Armoury School will also be another of the pillars in the training part by expanding its offer with a higher module in renewable energies. Deba Energy plans to value corporate actions through collaboration with different entities such as Gaia, the Basque Government and Adegi.
Deba Energy is already working on the development of a thermodynamic machine that will transform hot water into cold water, and that seeks to provide solutions to air conditioning.
It will also try to build a pilot power generation machine based on heat engines with the aim of ensuring its operation in unfavorable weather conditions. (EUROPA PRESS)
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