Here are some basic and simple facts on how to recycle.
Do you want to help the environment, but it's a big problem how to recycle? With these simple tips, you'll find that recycling takes a minimal amount of time to save our resources.
1. Keep a bucket, bag, or recycling bin handy and make it easy to recycle. It takes only a few seconds to deposit an empty bottle, plastic container or can in a container. Store it in the kitchen, patio, terrace, zotehuela or in the garage.
2. Recycle the paper. Use biodegradable bags, paper bags or cardboard boxes to put the paper together. Magazine paper or spam put in the container, and use white paper for notes or shopping lists.
3. Reuse plastic bags. Many grocery stores now offer an incentive to customers to bring their own bags, offering pennies off each bag. Keep the bags in the car so they don't get forgotten.
4. To know how to recycle old sheets, bed blankets or clothes are used for cleaning the house.
5. Spray coffee and ash from the fireplace in the garden to add additional nutrients to the soil.
6. Crush lemon peels in the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.
7. Yogurt containers can be used for small house work, such as painting, cleaning or polishing.
8. Do not throw away clothing or household items that are in good condition. Donate them to charity.
9. Use the plastic containers of margarine and cream for leftovers.
10. Gather the cans, glass, plastic and paper and take them to the recycling centers, there are even some that pay you for your waste.
Authors: Val