WWF has denounced the reduction of premiums for photovoltaics and their retroactive nature and has stressed that the environmental quality due to high-activity radioactive waste remains in category D (level A is the best and G, the worst).
In the number 53 of the Electricity Observatory of January, WWF has stressed that more than half of the electricity produced during this month has come from renewable sources and this has allowed CO2 emissions to decrease by 2.23 percent compared to December. Therefore, the organization reiterates its rejection of the "decree" to photovoltaics.
In this sense, it considers that it will reduce its premiums by an estimated amount of 740 million euros until 2013, will prevent the definitive impulse of these clean sources and will not create new jobs. In addition, he pointed out that if this policy that harms renewables continues, "Spain will lose its leadership in this sector".
On the other hand, he pointed out that environmental quality, considering the CO2 emissions produced by the electricity sector, continue in category B, which improves on the average values of 2003-2005 (category D). According to the report, average CO2 emissions decreased in January to 156 kg of CO2 per MWh generated, which means that they were 2.23 percent lower than the average value recorded in December 2010, and were also reduced by 1.46 percent compared to January of the previous year.
It also highlights that renewable energies have contributed 52 percent to the generation of electricity. In addition, it explains that compared to the production of December 2010, in this month the hydraulic has increased, going from 15 percent to 19.4 percent, wind has decreased from 18.8 percent to 15.6 percent, and the other renewable energies have risen, going from 16.4 percent to 16.6 percent. (EUROPA PRESS)
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