The Renewables Foundation considers that the social and economic pact between the Government, the employers and the unions does not specify a "credible strategy" for the energy sector and, in this chapter, lacks "ambition" and requires "more interlocutors and planning".
Along with this, it demands, as part of an agreement on energy, greater support for R + D + i, the elimination of "legal uncertainty" and the consideration of the renewable sector as "the one with the greatest potential for growth in jobs".
In addition, it calls for a concretion of the energy scenario until 2030, a priority reduction of CO2 emissions and the transposition of the renewables and efficiency directives in buildings, as well as the recovery of the objective of 22.7% of renewables in the final consumption of energy by 2020.
"The document does not respond to the challenges posed by our current energy model" and is "riddled with vagueness," says the foundation, which regrets the "slowdown" of renewables, as well as the "absence of concrete measures and very serious omissions."
This attitude, he says, "is the demonstration of the resistance to the change of energy model and will slow down the competitiveness of the Spanish economy in the face of future fossil fuel supply crises and the future impacts of climate change."
"A great agreement on energy should address the change of production model through a change of energy model improving the ratios of energy dependence, energy intensity and CO2 emissions", underlines the Renewables Foundation.
In addition, he considers that an energy pact needs "another forum, more interlocutors and greater ambition to respond to the challenges we face when energy is a basic, universal good that determines the competitiveness of the economy."
Along with this, he considers it necessary "to incorporate into an energy pact that wants to be effective an energy planning that concretizes the future scenario". "A good part of the current problems are due to the absence of comprehensive energy planning, a concept that was included in the draft Sustainable Economy Law," he says. (EUROPA PRESS)
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