More than two hundred Spanish and European companies and entities, political representatives, some thirty MEPs, environmental and other organizations have signed a manifesto presented in Brussels to demand energy that is 100 per 100 renewable in 2050 throughout the European Union.
Thus, among the signatories are sectoral, professional, academic, trade union, environmental and other companies from different sectors in addition to energy that, in total, employ more than half a million workers.
In the manifesto they ask the EU to "lead by example" the progress in this area, precisely now that the Twenty-seven are analyzing their objective for the European energy future for 2050. EU leaders will meet on 4 February for the first high-level summit on energy.
In addition, the signatories commit to promoting an economy based on energy efficiency and renewable energies, with the aim of boosting green jobs, economic development, achieving energy independence and curbing climate change. They also demand that the process must be accompanied by a "just transition" for "potentially affected" workers.
The declaration was drafted by the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), the inter-parliamentary forum EUFORES (European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources) and Greenpeace. To date, companies such as Danfoss, Sanyo, Mainstream Renewable Power, La Compagnie du Vent (a subsidiary of GDF Suez), ECEE, or public entities such as the DRL (German aerospace center), hospitals, policy makers and civil society organizations from all over Europe have joined.
On the Spanish side, they have joined the manifesto 3i-Engineering, Photovoltaic Business Association, Alba Renova, APPA, Association of the Photovoltaic Industry, Illustrious Official College of Geologists - Delegation Catalonia, Ecooo, Eguzkitan, Energesis, Equo, Eurener, Renewable Foundation, Geoplat, Idesa, Protermosolar, Siliken, Solaria, Torresol and Viñaresol.
For the president of the Renewables Foundation, Javier García Breva, Spain and Europe need a political strategy to reach the 100 percent renewable horizon. "If this strategy has to be agreed, let's start by guaranteeing the growth of renewable technologies, which are the ones that provide Spain with more employment, technology and export capacity," he said.
For her part, the executive director of Greenpeace Spain, Miren Gutiérrez, has reached the time when "it is time to decide what future" is wanted, whether "that of uncertainty, ruin and climate change to which dirty energies lead or that of stability, sustainability, security and development that renewables guarantee".
"Once the technical and economic viability of a 100% renewable system has been demonstrated, now the decision is political, and it is what society is demanding," he stressed.
Finally, the representative of Sanyo, has apostilled that "green energy is reliable, innovative and can work all over the planet". The declaration is open to other interested entities for them to sign in the coming weeks and months, through the page. (EUROPA PRESS)
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