The electric car, biofuels and other alternative energy sources have enough potential to progressively replace fossil fuels in transport by 2050, according to a report by a group of experts presented to the European Commission on Tuesday.
In this way, the European Union will be able to meet its emission reduction targets in the fight against climate change while ensuring security of supply.
According to the report, future demand for all modes of transport could be met through a combination of electricity (batteries or fuel cells) and biofuels as the main options; synthetic fuels (increasingly from renewable sources) as an intermediate solution, methane as a complementary fuel and liquefied petroleum gas as a supplement.
"If we want to achieve truly sustainable transport, we will have to consider alternative fuels. To do this we have to take into account the needs of all modes of transport," said Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas.
The EU Executive is currently reviewing the situation and the report presented on Tuesday will serve to prepare an "initiative on clean transport systems" throughout this year. (EUROPA PRESS)
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