The Whale Shark or also known by scientists as the "Rhincodon Typus" is the largest fish in the world, inhabits the oceans and seas of warm waters, spend most of their lives alone and on very special occasions you can see it in groups, they can measure up to 18 meters in length and can weigh up to 20 tons, it is also known that it is one of the oldest animals on the planet, since it inhabits the oceans for 60 million years, in addition, it is also one of the oldest animals on the planet, it is estimated that they can live up to 150 years, which would reach sexual maturity at 30, with about seven meters in length.
Whale sharks are viviparous and sometimes young young are seen swimming with the older ones, they feed by filtering through their gills the small plankton organisms that are in the water, also necton, macro algae, and sometimes also crustaceans, such as squid or schools of small fish.
Despite its size the whale shark does not pose any danger to humans, they are very docile and gentle, they do not panic or attack when approached by a diver or swimmer, in fact it is famous for ecotourism on the coasts of Australia, in the Mexican Caribbean and in the Philippines which is where the largest concentration of whale sharks on the planet is located.
Authors: Santiago