Enel Green Power has launched in the town of Debuta, in the province of Perugia, a photovoltaic plant made with 3,330 polycrystalline silicon modules installed in an agricultural area owned by the University of Perugia, it announced in a statement.
The photovoltaic plant has an installed capacity of 1 megawatt (MW) and is capable of producing more than 1.2 million kilowatt hours (KWh) per year, equivalent to the average consumption of about 450 families. In this way, it will be possible to save fossil fuel worth 105 tons of oil per year, and about 700 tons of CO2 that will not reach the atmosphere.
Enel Green Power has an installed capacity of 5,900 MW in the renewables sector and more than 600 operating plants in 16 countries. The group is present in Spain through Enel Green Power España (EGPE), 40% owned by Endesa and 60% by Enel. (EUROPA PRESS)
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