The Councilor for Sustainability and Services of the City of Malaga, Teresa Porras, and the director of the Social Work of the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM), Carlos Moyano, have inaugurated on Tuesday the exhibition 'The energy square', located in the Parque del Oeste and which aims to educate in energy saving.
The exhibition, which was already in Malaga in March 2010, can be visited until February 11 and is a proposal of the Social Work of the CAM, with which it aims to raise awareness among the population in the responsible use of energy, as well as reaffirm its commitment to the development of renewable energies.
It is an educational, informative and awareness proposal about energy, its sources, uses and consequences, which CAM makes available to the educational community and which can be visited from 09.00 to 19.00 hours in the Parque del Oeste, entered by Realenga street in San Luis, number 11.
The exhibition consists of three thematic areas or spaces, developed in three inflatable igloos of 30 square meters each.
The first of them, which is called 'Aprendo', explains what energy is, its evolution throughout history and the dependence of energy on the current system of development.
In the second, called 'Experiment', the different sources from which the energy comes are analyzed and the difference between non-renewable or fossil and renewable is explained. In addition, this space shows and experiments with elements that work with renewable energy sources.
In the third and final space, which is called 'Me enchufo', visitors will focus on the fact of how to actively participate in the saving of energy and, therefore, of natural resources, also offering information on what measures and attitudes can be carried out daily to achieve it.
The recipients of the exhibition are Primary school students and have already arranged visits to the education centers Ardira, San José de Calasanz, Horgasol, Severo Ochoa, Julio Caro Baroja, Parque Clavero, Bergamín, Hernández Cánovas, Victoria Kent, Paulo Freire, Carmen de Burgos, Lex Flavia Malacitana, Vicente Aleixandre, El Torcal, Arturo Reyes, Jorge Guillén and Jábega. (EUROPA PRESS)
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