The Vice President of the Government, Dolores Gorostiaga, will inaugurate this Tuesday in Brussels the exhibition 'Cantabria, Sea of Innovation', which can be visited in the Belgian capital until January 14.
At the opening of the exhibition, which will be held at 5:45 p.m. in the European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli Building. Rue Wiertz, third floor, 'bar area'), Gorostiaga will be accompanied by the Minister of Industry and Technological Development, Juan José Sota; the Cantabrian MEP, Ricardo Cortés; the vice-rector of the Campus of International Excellence, Gonzalo Capellán, among other regional and community authorities.
The objective of this exhibition, whose opening is preceded by the presentation of the Marine Energy Cluster, is that institutions, governments, scientists and companies from all over Europe know the commitment that is being made in Cantabria for research and commercial development of marine energy, especially floating energy. (EUROPA PRESS)
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