The deadline for the submission of nominations for the 'Best Innovative Initiative in Renewable Energy 2010' award has been extended to 15 February 2011.
This award, developed within the framework of the ICENER Project, aims to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in the region, stimulating the generation of innovative ideas and projects in the renewable energy sector, in addition to promoting a business fabric "highly competitive, sensitized in adequate environmental practices".
All workers of companies and freelancers in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura who have an innovative idea or wish to develop an innovative project in the renewable energy sector can participate in this award.
The categories of the prizes to be awarded will be three; the first prize will be incubation for 12 months in an office within the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura. In addition, advice and help in the materialization of the innovation project.
The second prize is incubation for six months in an office within the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura. In addition, advice and help in the materialization of the innovation project; while the third prize is the advice and help in the materialization of the innovation project, as reported by the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura. (EUROPA PRESS)
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