The study service of the Cajamar Foundation has published a study on the evolution of wind energy in the last decade in Spain and its viability and scope until 2020 that highlights that the awareness of the European Commission towards the design of a strategy in renewable energies has been in force since the early 90s and has been "crucial" for the development of wind energy in the 'old continent', so 2011 is observed as a "key" year for this area of the sector.
In this sense, wind energy plays an important role among all renewables for the achievement of a new sustainable energy model, since at the end of 2009, the installed capacity from wind energy amounted to almost 75,000 megawatts, with Germany and Spain being the countries that stand out in the European ranking by agglutinating a share of 73 percent, according to the study of the Cajamar Foundation.
Currently, the provincial ranking of wind electricity production is headed by Albacete as the province with the highest number of operating megawatts, about 1,989.6 megawatts, which represents 10.4 percent of the national total. It is followed by Lugo, Zaragoza, Burgos and Cádiz with a share of 26.8 percent.
The current regulation, Directive 2009/28/EC, assigns binding targets for gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources by Member State for 2020, being at least 20 per cent across the EU. The Commission also considers that in order to reach this percentage, the contribution of electricity from renewable energy must be around 33 per cent.
The development of the wind sector in Spain has been marked by the existence of regulatory frameworks that have stimulated technological development, so incentives are created not only for the companies that carry out the research activity but also for the promoters, since their activity generates positive externalities for society as a whole.
The effects are not only economic in terms of wealth generation and less dependence on fossil fuel imports, but also environmental due to their contribution to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
Among the main strengths of the sector is its ability to compete abroad, the accumulated technological knowledge and, to a lesser extent, the productive sizing at the domestic level. These factors have allowed the internationalization of the sector having identified business opportunities that are being successfully exploited by Spanish companies. (EUROPA PRESS)
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