The Master's Degree in Renewable Energies of the University of Jaén, sponsored by the Commissioner for the Center for Advanced Studies in Energy and Environment of the UJA and the only official one taught in Andalusia with these characteristics, already has its first promotion of graduates.
It is a total of 23 students who have participated in its first edition corresponding to the last academic year 2009/2010 and who have defended until this month of December their master's thesis.
The coordinator of this master's degree, Julio Terrados, explained that the master's degree provides advanced training in renewable energies, "especially in biomass and photovoltaic solar energy, two energies of the greatest possibilities of development in the province".
In this way, quality training is offered in the field of renewable energies, aimed at graduates who need a postgraduate degree to complete their training in this field and that allows them to specialize in the analysis, evaluation and use of renewable resources in the environment.
Regarding the master's thesis presented, Terrados has specified that they correspond to the two profiles to which students can choose, either researcher for the subsequent development of the doctoral thesis in the university environment, "with more theoretical and laboratory projects", or business that allows a job opportunity in this field, "with projects related to the company practices that have been carried out as biomass installations, solar panels, or replacement of diesel boilers by biomass".
A total of 29 students are studying the second edition of the master's degree during this course. It is important to note that the renewable energy sector is a growing sector that, despite the economic crisis, demands specialized workers.
The need to comply with the Kyoto Protocol will require the hiring of both engineers for the design and development of projects and graduates in general who are able to evaluate locations, carry out administrative procedures and manage financing. (EUROPA PRESS)
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