The Center for Historical Studies of Xochimilco through its director the researcher Efrén Romero Acuña sends us the following statement that is already disseminated internationally.
Ignorance of scientists and authorities by letting Xochimilco devastate. Who do not know that because they are anthropic (made by the hands of man) and have more than 2000 years must be cataloged archaeological monuments made long before the arrival of the Aztecs.
The chinampas are a unique agricultural environment in the world, sustainability is almost perfect since it yields three harvests a year of varied products so it can be considered the first industry of most advanced agricultural technology on the planet.
It is incredible that the authorities let build houses on the chinampas is like! manufacture houses on the main temple or Chichen Itza¡
The blindness of the authorities: The area of Xochimilco is a place of friatic recharges, climate controller, home of unique species in the world, and they want to make aquariums and transform the area into an amusement park, do not touch it! Save what is still left.
The more than 30,000 discharges of sewage from houses are polluting and killing Xochimilco and this contaminated water is extracted from the grounds on the peripheral, contaminated.
The people of Xochimilco were never poor, humble yes, but their great wealth was what the chinampa and their work gave them and never let them go hungry on the contrary, Xochimilco except for several famines to the people of the capital and its monetary wealth is seen in the investment of the former convent of San Bernardino de Siena a lavish work made with the contributions of the Xochimilcas.
We could be the generation that ends up with millennia of an area that was probably the mother of a state as little by little has been demonstrated with the archaeological findings in the areas. May we not remain as the villains and incompetent Save Xochimilco cultural heritage of Humanity. By the way, the Aztecs were not the ones who performed the chinampas as we see in some TV channels such as History Chanel and others; the orchard or supply production center of Mesoamerica was the lake area of the Anahuac basin, a state that already existed with high-ranking administrative guidelines as has been demonstrated with the latest archaeological discoveries. The Aztecs according to the history books was the last tribe to arrive and there was already the governing center on the island of Tenochtitlan, the first great catastrophe had already passed that destroyed much of that state what it was, the eruption of the Xitle something that some historians do not want to accept for the work that would be to rewrite history. What is wonderful for many outside is apathy or disinterest for those inside let's not be foolish and much less bad Mexicans save our own.
Xochimilco is lost in a world of ignorance and incomprehension together we can float our Mexican pride launches with us the SOS Xochimilco dies.
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Authors: Val