Press Release
This month's donors reaffirmed their commitment to helping the world's poor and vulnerable through expanded pledges to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCs) and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF).
Both funds were established under COP-7 in Marrakesh and are administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), a financial operating mechanism of the convention.
The two funds were the first to address adaptation and over time have demonstrated a proven track record of delivering land results, whether for the least developed countries, in the case of the LDC Fund, or all developing countries under the SCCF.
Under donor commitments to new funding from LDCs and the SCCF, it will be able to expand its portfolio to better meet the most urgent and immediate adaptation needs of vulnerable countries. By 2010, $181 million in new pledges were made, and this entails the total donor commitment for $412 million, ($262 million to the LDC Fund and $150 million to the SCCF, respectively).
The LDCF and THE SCCF currently support 67 projects in more than 70 countries, and the list is expected to grow in light of this new donor support.
For the LDC Fund, for example, 23 projects are under implementation, another 20 people approved and expected to be implemented next year.
"With determination, we have sought and achieved, working closely with the Global Environment Facility, its agencies and the Parties to the Convention, to ensure that a number of reforms are introduced to make access to this fund more readily available to our countries that are characterized by limited capacity, "said Fred Onduri (Uganda), that the chairmen of the least developed countries of the Group of Experts (LEG), which has a mandate under the convention on climate change. " We are satisfied with the reform measures that have been taken both by the Convention and with the increased response capacity of the GEF to our needs. What is now urgently required are adequate resources to enable the LDC Fund to finance the most urgent and immediate adaptation needs according to the priorities set by the NAP. WFP must be able to access resources to move from a project-by-project approach to funding programmatic approaches to address adaptation priorities in the least developed countries in a more far-reaching and impactful manner. "
Bonizella Biagini, Head of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Operations at the Global Environment Facility, and the manager of the LDC Fund and the SCCF, stressed that "an increasing number of vulnerable countries have access to resources for adaptation under the LDC Fund and the SCCF, thanks to a streamlined process and improved communications between all stakeholders and donor parties are reacting to this process by increasing its contributions to these Convention funds. "
With press information from the UNFCCC.
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Authors: Val