Through its commitment embodied in the sustainability platform Living Positively, the actions that Coca-Cola carried out in 2009 in favor of the integral and sustainable growth of Mexico were focused on its 7 pillars: Benefits of Our Beverages, Active and Healthy Lifestyle, Water, Sustainable Packaging, Climate, Community, Workplace. Some notable actions:
$250 million pesos were allocated to programs for the protection of the environment, such as water care, development of sustainable packaging, energy saving, climate protection and environmental awareness in the country's communities.
7,700 hectares were reforested, where more than 7 million trees were planted in 17 states of the Republic.
The IMCC stopped consuming 11 thousand tons of PET and 860 tons of glass, as a result of its technological advances in terms of packaging lightening.
The Coca-Cola System in Mexico is a precursor in the integration of the first hybrid trucks made in the country, with diesel-electric engine, in its distribution fleet, which reduce 90% the carbon monoxide generated
Through the Coca-Cola Foundation, actions in favor of education, health, nutrition and community aid were supported with donations to 304 institutions.
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Authors: Val