The environmental impact of cremation is not easy to define. Most reasonable people can understand that burying their loved ones in the ground in a coffin is simply inconceivable to the environment.
For starters are the toxic embalming liquids, the natural process of draining bodily fluids, the poisonous chemicals that are put into the body so that it is ready to be seen by loved ones, and the coffin itself is terribly hostile to the environment. The coffin was not designed for Mother Earth or even the corpse. It was created exclusively for the bereaved family, who, for the time being, are unable to think about the toxins they are about to bury and the enormous amounts of land and construction that are needed to perform this practice.
It is for these reasons, in addition to the costs, that cremation, which although it emits polluting gases into the environment is much less harmful to our planet. It is worth mentioning that some cultures do not approve of cremation, which is extremely respectable, we all have our beliefs and traditions, but it is always important to reconsider to take into account the environment.
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Authors: Val