Colombia. The Ministry of Mines and Energy issued Decree 0570 of March 23, 2018, which establishes guidelines to promote the long-term contracting of electricity generation projects from renewable sources and complementary to the current ones.
"This is the tool that complements the public policy signals that allow the country to firmly enter the era of generation with renewable energies. With this Decree we are also guaranteeing energy security, because when we lack water, or gas, we will also have the sun and the wind. This diversification makes us less vulnerable in cases such as the El Niño Phenomenon," explained the Minister of Mines and Energy, Germán Arce Zapata.
Decree 0570 of March 23, 2018 establishes objectives to strengthen, diversify and complement the power generation matrix, which will result in an efficient formation of prices and the use of the potential of renewable resources.
Likewise, regional energy security and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are promoted, which will allow the country to comply with the commitments assumed at COP21 by 2030.
This Decree also establishes the characteristics of the promotion mechanism; review and follow-up activities; deadlines to determine the transfer to users of the efficient costs that are achieved and provisions around the integration into the National Interconnected System of these new projects.
Source: Ministry of Mines and Energy.