International. The Green Building Council of the United States presented the Arc tool, which is free to access for projects registered or certified in LEED, which allows to manage and monitor the sustainability of these during the operation and eventually achieve the Operations and Maintenance certification.
Arc is for LEED certified buildings and for projects that are not yet certified but seek to improve sustainability and human health, and take steps to become LEED certified. Ultimately, Arc will remove the complexities and barriers that will allow you to make smarter decisions.
Arc calculates a performance score of 100, based on a set of global data and action-oriented strategies in five categories: energy, water, waste, transportation, human experience.
Other features of the platform:
- Access real-time performance data: Use the Arc performance score to help you track improvements to your project in real time. Watch as you move toward LEED or other green certifications.
- Simple user interface: Arc offers easy-to-use resource management dashboards. The platform also hosts all project assets in a secure storage space.
- Benchmark projects against industry peers: With Arc, you can leverage global analytics of global data to help you compare your project performance and view project ratings on a local and international scale.
- Share internal information: Within the Arc interface you can communicate between departments and streamline team management.
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