Mexico. Mexico's goal by 2050 is for 50% of the electricity generated to come from renewable energy. And it also plans to reduce energy intensity by 1.9% by final consumption for the period between 2016 and 2030, a figure that would rise to 3.7% in the period 2031-2050.
This appears in the "Transition Strategy to Promote the Use of Cleaner Technologies and Fuels", presented by the Advisory Council for the Energy Transition, under the Government of Mexico.
During its first extraordinary session, which took place on August 29, the Advisory Council for the Energy Transition presented to the councilors the Strategy in whose elaboration representatives of industry, academia and national and international organizations have participated, through the working groups established in this Council: Production, Consumption, Energy Efficiency and Storage.
The Strategy contemplates the modernization of the Mexican electricity sector and identifies areas of opportunity in research, technological development and training of human resources that will allow Mexico to achieve the goals that are set; it also opens the possibility for the development of products and services with high added value in renewable energy technologies.
The Strategy considers a goal of clean energy generation of 35% by 2024; from 37.7% to 2030 and 50% of total electricity generation to 2050. In the case of energy efficiency, a goal of reducing energy intensity by final consumption for the period from 2016 to 2030 of 1.9% is established; and 3.7% for the period from 2031 to 2050.
The aim of the programme is to reduce polluting emissions from the electricity industry and reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels.