International. About 43% of companies plan to use Technologies based on the Internet of Things (IoT) in their businesses during 2016, according to a study by the analyst firm Gartner.
Of the companies analyzed, which are part of the Gartner circle, 29% already use IoT and an additional 14% plan to implement them throughout 2016, while 21% of companies have budgeted to do the migration in the coming years.
Another important figure that the study throws is that 9% of the companies surveyed do not see any relevance in using this technology. Even 38% have no plans to introduce IoT in their companies compared to 64% who have in their plans to include them at some point.
"While there is an acceptance of the importance of IoT, less than a third of the organizations surveyed are actively exploiting its potential," said Get Geschickter, research director at Gartner. For Gartner analysts, these figures are given for two reasons: on the one hand, companies are still not clear about the benefits of IoT for their businesses or have invested in development and, on the other hand, the lack of training in this field of professionals from the organizations surveyed.
As for the sectors that lead the adoption of IoT, heavy industries stand out, followed by those oriented to public services such as Utilities. According to Gartner estimates, 56% of heavy industries and 38% of the service-oriented sector will have implemented IoT by the end of the year.
With information from