Brazil. During October, the source most used by consumers was solar energy. In total, there were 1,074 accessions compared to the 30 wind power plants throughout the country.
Divided by states, Minas Gerais appears in the first position with 213 new connections and Rio de Janeiro with 110. Closing the "podium" of adhesions of solar energy systems, Rio Grande do Sul counted 109 installations in October.
This development is related to Normative Resolution No. 482/2012, which establishes the general conditions that authorize local consumers to install small generators in their homes, and also allows energy to be exchanged with the local distributor. The operation is very simple: what is generated from electricity through the sunlight collection system, and is not used in the residence, will return to the local distributor and the consumer will have credits in a future collection over 36 months.
The main measure determined by Normative Resolution No. 482/2012 is to further increase consumer adherence. To this end, the resolution will go through the revision of the regulation so that there is a further reduction of the barriers to the connection of micro and minigeradores together with the power distribution networks, a greater compatibility of the capacity compensation rules, improvement of the general rule and the increase of target audience.