Chile. The southern country already has its first building with LEED Shell & Core Platinum Category Certification, with the recognition granted to the Flor de Azucenas Building, from the Chilean insurance company Consolidated-Zurich.
With an investment of US$24 million, the building has eleven floors and three underground, in addition to 5,900 m2 useful, floors of 560 m², is Class A and the construction company and architects of the project are part of Eurocorp.
The certification recognized aspects that have to do with sustainability, location, innovation, energy efficiency, use of alternative energies, improvement of indoor environmental quality, efficiency of water consumption, sustainable development of spaces and selection of materials.
"This acquisition is part of the investment strategy of Chilena Consolidada-Zurich in the real estate field, an area that includes assets for rent, financial leasing and mutual mortgages," explained the deputy manager of Real Estate Investments of Chilena Consolidada-Zurich, Ramiro Figueroa.
With information from