International. International researchers are working on a project related to a system that has the ability to provide cooling, electricity and drinking water.
The central idea is based on the creation of a photovoltaic thermal system of high concentration, which with the help of a parabolic dish with mirrors makes the most of the energy of the sun with the concentration of light in a central point.
IBM, Airlight Energy and the Federal Institute of Technology zurich (Switzerland) are working on the project, which already has a prototype. "Our intention is to use triple-layer photovoltaic cells mounted on a refrigerant microchannel module, in order to convert more than 30% of solar radiation into electrical energy, and also take advantage of waste heat with an efficiency of more than 50%," said Bruno Michel, director of IBM's thermal storage division.
The model uses low-cost concrete and pressurized metallized layers instead of steel and glass and would allow heat to be harnessed for saltwater heating to make it drinkable; this process could also harness the thermal energy of the water to power a cooling system for room air conditioning.
The project is in development and its creators indicate that when it goes on the market it could cost around US $ 250 square meter.