Bolivia. The government of the Andean country has decided to cut gas shipments to Argentina to meet a previous contract with Brazil, which now requires higher volumes, said the Minister of Hydrocarbons, Carlos Villegas.
At a press conference, Villegas said that because Brazil requires gas pumping to go from 28 million cubic meters per day – or MMCD – to 30 MMCD, according to a notification issued on Thursday, Bolivia must reduce sales not only to Argentina, but will also stop attending to two other contracts with Brazilian buyers.
Relations between Petrobras and the current government of Bolivia are not going through a good moment, due to the pressures made by President Evo Morales in May for the purchase of two refineries of the Brazilian state company Petrobras and the effects of his decree of nationalization of hydrocarbons of May 2006. (Source: La Razón)