Latin America. Pettinaroli announced the official launch of the new Dynasty DN50 PICV valve, with its characteristics of high flow, resistance to dirt in heavily polluted water and the possibility of easy maintenance.
The new PICV Dynasty range has been designed to offer all the advantages of the existing PICV valve range with the added advantage of being able to operate in heavily contaminated water. The valve has a linear feature and has been designed to allow the removal, cleaning and replacement of components in a very simple way without altering the performance of the valve.
It also provides flow limitation and temperature control in chilled water systems and heating in terminal units and HVCs. The Dynasty valve operates good water control in heat exchangers and is ideal for use in terminal units where it is difficult to maintain good water quality due to the difficulty of accessing each unit. The Dynasty valve can also be mounted on your pre-assembled hydronic kits for Fan Coil units.
The valve offers a 5-year warranty, compact design and extremely low starting for extremely high energy savings.