Latin America. A property located in Martinez became one of the most sustainable smart homes in the entire region, as it generates energy savings, due to its sustainable design, of 65%, as well as 85% less in water consumption.
Because this property requires 56% less energy embodied in materials. Caution was exercised with new appointments. In addition, with the advice of BGH Eco Smart, it received the Edge Homes certificate, which rewards low-resource buildings.
That is, specifically the BGH Eco Smart, that is, the business unit of the BGH Group, which specializes in the development of energy efficiency and Smart Building solutions, advised on the design and construction of the house.
Diego Simondi, COO of BGH Eco Smart, said that "the idea of this project was to incorporate sustainable technology, such as solar panels and geothermal energy, to achieve the efficient use of energy and water. This case shows the importance of opting for sustainable technologies and designs when building homes."
One of the highlights of the house is the use of cold and heat of the soil, depending on the season, from geothermal energy. More precisely, the building has a VRF system with which a cooling liquid circulates through pipes from seven wells dug up to 50 meters deep.
Hence, it remains at 18 degrees on average annually. Well, during the summer there is a cooling floor and in the winter it works as a radiant slab.
On the other hand, ten solar panels were installed based on a hybrid system on the roof of the property, with which the demand for lighting of the house is covered. They work by supplying lithium batteries that allow you to store 15 kWh and give the house 24 hours. of autonomy for basic loads.
Last year the maximum energy production was 30 kWh on the sunniest days and between 7 and 8 kWh on the cloudiest ones. It should be noted that the system has the capacity to supply the surplus energy it generates to the electricity grid through its bidirectional meter.
In addition, the architectural design of the property allows you to make the most of sunlight and the lighting equipment is LED, which consumes up to 70% less than traditional lights.
In this way, the house received the Edge Homes certificate, which is given to homes that save 20% of water and energy consumption; goal that was exceeded up to four times by this property, from the use of sustainable equipment.