Spain. FabricAir's textile air diffusion system was implemented for a renovation project of the facilities in the municipal theater of Berga, a Spanish town in the province of Barcelona.
The municipality of Berga is located in a mountainous area characterized by good fresh air quality. For this same reason, it was decided for its municipal theater to install a system to improve ambient air quality through control with CO2 probes.
With this system, the stale air inside the theater is renewed with fresh air from the outside up to about 10 times per hour and is done mechanically by means of a fan through the textile ducts.
FabricAir engineers together with technicians from the installation company ID Clima designed this system that diffuses air homogeneously throughout the room.
The textile material selected was the combi 90, it is a material with a very resistant fabric and especially suitable for applications of high hygienic demands, thanks to its bactericidal activity and that it is easily washable.
In addition, this diffusion system has a combination of SoniFlow, NozzFlow and OriFlow patterns that achieve high homogeneity, pleasant air velocity throughout the occupied area of the room and the absence of condensation.
The textile ducts are fastened by anodized aluminum rails, resistant to corrosion (Type 8 all-in-one) and maintain the shape of the ducts, even when air does not flow inside.
In this way FabricAir explains that the objective of reducing investment and achieving exceptional air quality has been achieved, and that due to the number of air outlets applied to the textile duct by laser, the attenuation of the duct in the room and the uniform distribution, they offer a very low noise level. The textile ducts are practically inaudible from all points of the room during the performances and projections, allowing the events that occur in this room not to be interrupted.