International. is a project of students from the University of Cambridge that helps to manage indoor ventilation so that the possible contagion of the Coronavirus can be prevented and calculated.
Although this online application, which is part of a project of the Cambridge University Examination Center published in January 2021, was created last year, it is still valid as the fifth wave of Covid infections, which has struck with special force in Latin America and continues to be a cause for concern on the part of the control entities.
Coronavirus in force
Moreover, the director of the Pan American Health Organization had warned since April that "time and time again, we have seen how the dynamics of infection in Europe are reflected here just a few weeks later." To which he added, "we cannot ignore the risk of further SPIKES in COVID-19."
Thus, this risk that the Americas would suffer a new wave of COVID-19 as cases increased in other regions became a reality. The fifth wave reached countries such as Mexico, with more cases and fewer deaths, an issue that is positive, but that does not detract from the urgency of preventing the spread of such infections.
In general, it is a complex issue from the point of view of health, especially if we take into account that in December 2021, at a press conference in Geneva, the WHO confirmed that people who had already been vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus, and even those who had suffered from this disease, could contract it again, including the ómicron variant. simple and useful
Currently available in its version 1.1, this application of free use and available online, helps its users to understand how their environment and their daily behavior can be adapted to minimize the risk of transmission of the coronavirus indoors.
The application is based on an approach that takes into account "the calculation of the individual risk of infection as a function of the exposure time of a healthy individual and susceptible to infectious viral particles suspended for a long time indoors."
According to the academic paper of this project "the basic user can change inputs such as the ventilation rate, the type of face covering, the number of occupants and the type of activity to assess their impact on the risk of infection, while more advanced functions are available to the user familiar with the science related to aerosol transmission".
In conclusion, is a user-friendly tool that can help predict air quality, based on the contagion of the coronavirus, taking into account the parameters that are entered.
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