International. Air inlet filters are commonly installed in rooftop HVAC units, but that's not the only place you'll find them. Custom air inlet filters are critical to protecting equipment and reducing energy costs anywhere cooling or clean air is required. If you are not using them on the following five computers, you should:
Reach-in RefrigeratorsCommercial refrigerators, such as range coolers, keep items cold, but within reach of customers. In most cases, and especially in showcases such as those used for products, the cooling components are inside the base of the unit and their air intake grilles are close to the floor. As a result, refrigerators are particularly vulnerable to lint, winter salt, and other dirt related to foot traffic. All this dirt hinders the longevity of the equipment and increases repair costs.
Due to the "open" configuration of screen coolers, they use a lot of energy to cool, especially when they get dirty. A portable refrigerator with dirty coils consumes up to 20% more electricity than a clean one. The installation of custom air inlet filters pays for itself quickly.
Portable refrigerators
Portable chillers are used to cool areas and, because they have wheels, they can be moved to different spaces, as needed. They are often used in construction sites, shipyards, data centers, production lines, and manufacturing centers. Chillers are also commonly used to cool high-powered equipment, including medical devices such as MRI machines. The air filters in a portable cooler need to be cleaned and changed regularly, a step that is often forgotten. Custom air inlet filters minimize the need for regular filter cleaning, which keeps these machines running efficiently.
Similarly, some facilities use cooling fans to recirculate air and keep spaces cooler. We worked with a cereal processing plant that used large fans to quickly cool the products from the oven before packaging them. You may not immediately think that a fan needs a filter, but Permatron's PreVent® fan covers and hood-style filters fit on the back of the fan, or throughout the fan, to prevent dirt from entering and then venting. air (and about food refrigeration).
Equipment Cabinets
Equipment cabinets securely house, operate, and protect electrical components, including computer data servers, variable frequency drives, industrial production process equipment, air compressors, and medical diagnostic equipment.
Because the interior space can heat up quickly, equipment cabinets need a continuous flow of cold air inside. Most equipment cabinets use outdoor ambient air. But that air can be full of pollutants, especially since its air intake openings are usually located near the base of the units, at the level of foot traffic, where dust and dirt accumulate. To maintain a constant flow of fresh, clean air circulating throughout the cabinet, custom air inlet filters should be installed and brushed regularly.
Ferries, Boats and Boats
HVAC equipment is needed to cool and clean the air in engine rooms and control centers, as well as in crew and passenger areas. The dark, humid maritime atmosphere, including high humidity and wide temperature differentials, affect HVAC equipment, as do extreme weather conditions such as sudden wind gusts and sea salt splashes. In these moisture-filled environments, bacteria, molds, yeasts, and VOCs build up quickly without proper air filtration. The best custom air inlet filters are made to run smoothly in humid and corrosive environments.
Cold rooms
Cold rooms are critical for restaurants, supermarkets, food processing plants, and even research centers and medical facilities. If a cooler fails and the internal temperature rises, the products spoil, driving restaurants into bankruptcy, ruining research studies, and endangering patients. To ensure adequate and durable performance, cold room filters need to be cleaned regularly, but those filters may be difficult to access. Air inlet filters provide critical protection that keeps coolers working properly, and maintaining them is easy – just clean them with a brush.
Prevent filtration problems with PreVent® custom air inlet filters
Large or small, outdoors or indoors, when looking for custom air inlet filters, look no further than PreVent air inlet filters. They can be designed to fit any shape or size, including special cutouts for pipes and electrical cables, and come in a variety of frame and material options. They will also provide you with incredible cost savings. PreVent air inlet filters have been shown to reduce HVAC repair costs by 30% and reduce HVAC maintenance costs by up to 2/3.
What is your ideal air inlet filter? Permatron manufactures a variety of PreVent air intake options, including our Model U, Model BHA and Model R filters.
PreVent Models U and BHA
These flexible air inlet filters with vinyl edges are ideal for outdoor aerospace equipment, data center cooling, industrial enclosures, military equipment, power generation, telecommunications equipment, and wind turbines.
PreVent model R
This rigid air inlet filter with steel structure is perfect for indoor beverage dispensers, computers, electronics, food service, ice machines, industrial enclosures, air compressors, variable frequency drives, military equipment, portable refrigeration devices, power generation equipment, refrigerator reach devices, telecommunications equipment and wind turbines.
To keep your energy and maintenance costs under control and your equipment running efficiently and smoothly, install custom air inlet filters where continuous, clean, fresh air is required.
* Contact Permatron for more information or to get a free sample of PreVent air inlet filters.